For this activity, students may need to look up the meaning of some words. Give each group a set of Fact sheets 2 through 6 (Students' handouts) that describe types of discrimination: direct discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, poisoned environment, constructive discrimination and systemic discrimination. Tell them that the Code deals with all of these types of discrimination.
Each student takes one fact sheet. Then, the home groups split up into five new groups. Each individual joins a new “exploration group” comprised of the others who have the same fact sheet (for example, one exploration group is made up of everyone who received Fact sheet #2: Harassment). Give students in the exploration groups time to read and discuss the information on their fact sheet. They may read the information aloud or silently, depending on their reading abilities, ESL requirements, other learning ability factors and the room set-up.
Have the groups answer the following questions about the type of discrimination on their fact sheet:
- What are the key words you need to understand when discussing this type of discrimination?
- Can you give examples from real-life situations to show this type of discrimination?
- What effect could/would this type of discrimination have on someone?
- How do you think this kind of treatment would make someone feel?
You can develop other questions that challenge the group and stimulate discussion.
After thoroughly discussing in these groups, the students can return to their home groups. In their home groups, the students discuss the type of discrimination they learned from the fact sheets and what they learned from other students.
Throughout this activity, act as the facilitator or coach for the groups.