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Teaching human rights in Ontario - A guide for Ontario schools /

Teachers’ package

In this activity, students work in small groups in a cooperative learning process called a “jigsaw.” A jigsaw is a cooperative learning activity designed for use in the classroom. For more information about this teaching strategy, see Coelho, E., Jigsaw Plus, Unionville, 1991.

If your class already has a “home group” structure, the following activity will flow naturally from these groupings.

To form appropriate home groups, place students in groups of five. Have each group review the examples of discrimination that they discussed earlier. Remind them of the principles of the Preamble and the areas and grounds of discrimination protected by the Code. Ask them if they can think of any other examples to add to their lists.

Each group can record its ideas on chart paper and report back to the class before moving into the jigsaw activity.