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The OHRC continues our commitment to provide effective leadership on human rights for all Ontarians. The following are the OHRC’s performance targets and results for 2020–21. The OHRC will develop a new strategic plan for 2022–27. Key performance indicators and targets will be revised to align with the new plan.

Focus area: Reconciliation

Indicator 2020–21 Target Target met 2020–21 Result

Percentage of key Indigenous leaders and community members who agree or somewhat agree that the OHRC’s products and activities reflect a deep understanding of Indigenous perspectives

5 percentage point increase in responses to this survey question No 21.5 percentage point decrease


Focus area: Criminal justice

Indicator 2020–21 Target Target met 2020–21 Result
Percentage increase in number of police services that collect identifier data relating to services for the purposes of human rights compliance (at least one Code ground) 5 percentage point increase Yes 10 percentage point increase (+125%)
Number of prisoners placed in administrative segregation Zero prisoners in administrative segregation No 11% decrease (from 12,059 prisoners in 2018–19 to 10,727 prisoners in 2019–20), based on data available from the Ministry of the Solicitor General at this time
Number of prisoners with a mental health alert placed in segregation Zero prisoners with a mental health alert or mental health disability placed in segregation No 4 percentage point improvement
(+9.5%), based on data available from the Ministry of the Solicitor General at this time.


Focus area: Poverty

Indicator 2020–21 Target Target met 2020–21 Result
One new legal intervention in the area of poverty 1 new intervention Yes 1 OHRC intervention to address discrimination against people who experience poverty (Safe Streets Act)
Qualitative review of HRTO/court decisions relating to poverty issues Review to be conducted in 2022 n/a Review to be conducted in 2022


Focus area: Education

Indicator 2020–21 Target Target met 2020–21 Result
Percentage of school boards informing the OHRC that they have adopted OHRC recommendations in the Policy on accessible education for students with disabilities  5 percentage point increase  No 4 percentage point increase (+14.5%)
Percentage of education and school board stakeholders who “agree” or “somewhat agree” that Ontario’s curriculum is inclusive of various groups in society 5 percentage point increase  Yes 8 percentage point increase (+17.4%)


Focus area: Leadership voice

Indicator 2020–21 Target Target met 2020–21 Result
Cumulative reach for OHRC in traditional and social media, OHRC website hits/unique views Maintain potential reach Yes Potential reach: 273.8% increase (2,972,874,704)
Maintain unique website views Yes Unique website views: 32.4% increase (5,341,196)
5% increase in social media followers and friends over 2019 Yes Social media followers and friends: 16.8% increase in net followers (35,513)


Focus area: Our relationships

Indicator 2020–21 Target Target met 2020–21 Result
Percentage of community leaders and experts and duty holders, including employment and business leaders and police and school board stakeholders who “agree” or “somewhat agree” that the OHRC maintains effective relationships with all stakeholders Maintain number of community leaders who “agree” or “somewhat agree” No Community leaders: 11 percentage point decrease (-16.2%)
10 percentage point increase in the number of duty holders, including employment and business leaders and police and school board stakeholders, who “agree” or “somewhat agree” No Duty holders: 3 percentage point increase (+8.8%)


Focus area: Our people

Indicator 2020–21 Target Target met 2020–21 Result
Percentage increase in relevant question areas in annual OPS employee engagement survey for OHRC staff Percentage point increase in 2019 employee engagement survey over 2018 survey results:
Organizational Communication (+15)
Yes Organizational Communication: +17.5 percentage points (+60%)
Career Advancement (+10) No Career Advancement: +8.3 percentage points (+23%)
Leadership Practices (+20) Yes Leadership Practices: +26 percentage points (+67%)
Employee Recognition (+10) Yes Employee Recognition: +22.4 percentage points (+70%)
Hiring Practices (+25) No Hiring Practices: +18 percentage points (+53%)