The OHRC reached out to Restaurants Canada’s Ontario branch and the Ontario Restaurant, Hotel and Motel Association (ORHMA) to discuss the dress code issue and seek their help in addressing it. Over the past year, we have been pleased with the cooperation of both organizations, which have worked to raise awareness, identify and address questions and concerns from their members, and provide tools and assistance to remove dress code barriers and increase human rights compliance.
The ORHMA has[17]:
- Posted OHRC resources relating to sexualized and gender-based dress codes on its website, including the Policy position, examples, checklist, FAQs and backgrounder
- Distributed the information to its members through its weekly newsletter and as an online news item
- Invited OHRC staff to deliver a presentation and have a discussion with members at its October 2016 board meeting
- Posted a copy of the OHRC’s presentation on its website, and circulated it to 11,000 association members.
Restaurants Canada has:
- Sent out information and links to the Policy position and other resources in its bi-weekly e-news mailings to members in Winter-Spring 2016
- Used social media, including Twitter (7,400 followers) to deliver related messages and links several times since Spring 2016
- Discussed the dress code issue at its June 2016 board meeting
- Committed to develop a comprehensive digital workplace best practices guide, including human rights information, to be released soon to all of its 30,000 members and the public.