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OHRC's submission to the legislated review of the Child, Youth and Family Services Act (CYFSA)

July 19, 2023


Hon. Michael Parsa

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
CYFSA Review Project
2 Bloor St West, 30th Floor
Toronto, Ontario M7A 2T2


Dear Minister Parsa:

Re: Ontario Human Rights Commission’s (OHRC) submission to the legislated review of the Child, Youth and Family Services Act (CYFSA)

The OHRC is pleased to provide the attached submission to the government’s legislated review of the CYFSA.

In 2016, the OHRC launched a public interest inquiry to examine the involvement of Indigenous and Black children and youth in the child welfare system. In 2018 the OHRC released its reportInterrupted childhoods: Over-representation of Indigenous and Black children in Ontario child welfare (Interrupted childhoods).

In addition to the recommendations in its submission on the provisions of the CYFSA, the OHRC highlights its recommendation that the current review include examination and public reporting on the disproportionate representation of Indigenous and Black children and youth in care.

The OHRC welcomes the opportunity to meet with you to discuss the submission and recommendations in more detail. Please feel free to reach out to my Special Advisor, Donette Stoll at or (647) 403-5384.



Patricia DeGuire
Chief Commissioner

cc: Deputy Minister Denise Allyson Cole, Ministry of Children, Community & Social Services & Office of Women's Social & Economic Opportunity
Hon. Doug Downey, Attorney General of Ontario

Submission date - July 14, 2023