The questions raised throughout this paper for discussion and consultation are summarized below.
- What are the roles of the Commission, government, and other actors in resolving the issues raised in this Paper?
- What can the Commission do to raise public awareness about human rights issues related to family status and to more effectively combat discrimination based on family status?
- Is the definition of “family status” in section 10 of the Code overly narrow? Should the Commission consider advocating for a definition that covers other kinds of dependency relationships? If so, what kinds of relationships should the definition be expanded to cover?
- Should the Code provide protection for persons who are not in a parent-child relationship? If so, under what circumstances?
- How do gender, race, sexual orientation, and other Code grounds impact on discrimination because of family status? Are there situations not identified in this Paper where discrimination based on family status is compounded by other Code-related factors?
- What more could or should be done by government, employers or others to assist employees to balance their work and family responsibilities?
- Are there other aspects or effects of the conflict between work and family that you would like to tell us about?
- What programs or policies should employers put in place to ensure that their workplaces do not disadvantage individuals on the basis of family status?
- Recognizing the necessity to balance the needs of both employers and employees, what is the extent of an employer’s duty to accommodate needs related to an employee’s family status? What are the respective responsibilities of the employer and the employee? What types of accommodation are appropriate in this context?
- Are there other systemic issues in employment related to family status? How can these barriers be addressed?
- Are there other negative attitudes and stereotypes based on family status? How do these attitudes and stereotypes affect employees?
- Are you aware of instances in which pension or benefit plans have a discriminatory effect based on family status? Are there instances where differences in access to pensions and benefits are based on bona fide requirements? Are there steps that could be taken to make pension and benefit plans more inclusive of persons with caregiving responsibilities?
- What are the barriers to adequate, affordable housing for individuals with caregiving responsibilities?
- What can be done to improve access to adequate, affordable housing for families?
- Are there other ways in which discrimination against families with children is manifested in the housing market?
- Are there other occupancy policies that may have a negative effect on families with children? In what circumstances are occupancy policies that may have a negative effect on families with children justifiable?
- What should be done to improve the access to housing among parents in receipt of social assistance?
- What should a Commission policy statement on family status and the occupancy of housing contain?
- What should the Commission’s policy position be on issues related to children’s noise in the housing context?
- What types of accommodations for family status are appropriate in the housing context?
- How can the Commission assist landlords in understanding and complying with their obligations under the Code?
- What barriers exist for families in accessing services?
- What steps can service providers take to ensure that their policies, procedures and programs do not exclude or negatively impact on families?
- Are there other circumstances in which the issue of a service provider’s duty to accommodate for issues related to family status arises?
- In what circumstances does a service provider have a duty to accommodate on the basis of family status? What is the extent of that duty?
- What policy position should the Commission take with respect to age restrictions on access to services?
- What policy position should the Commission take with respect to children’s behaviour and access to services?
- What policy position should the Commission take with respect to customer preferences for “child-free” or adult-only spaces?
- Are there human rights issues related to family status that the Commission has not identified and that it should address?