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Backgrounders and research

When the OHRC issues a news release or does a public launch of something, there is usually more information than we can fit into a release.

For people who want “the story behind the story,” we often prepare backgrounders - short handouts that provide more details on certain parts of a story. For example, they could talk about the process the OHRC used to decide on something, or the chronology of events.

The OHRC also does both internal and external research to help it make the best decisions. This research could be included in a backgrounder, or can appear on its own as a research report or paper.

When the OHRC issues a news release or does a public launch of something, there is usually more information than we can fit into a release.

For people who want “the story behind the story,” we often prepare backgrounders - short handouts that provide more details on certain parts of a story. For example, they could talk about the process the OHRC used to decide on something, or the chronology of events.

The OHRC also does both internal and external research to help it make the best decisions. This research could be included in a backgrounder, or can appear on its own as a research report or paper.