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Toronto - The OHRC provides tools and approaches that individuals, organizations and sectors across Ontario can use in their own efforts to advance human rights. A new reference guide, Anti-racism, Anti-discrimination for Municipalities, offers tips and templates municipalities can apply to their work.
The guide includes some of the best ideas from across Canada. For example:
- Saskatoon’s Race Relations Committee reviews city policies, practices, and programs to recommend changes or action relating to personnel, policing, leisure services, housing and community services, education and training, use of municipal facilities, and planning and zoning.
- The City of Toronto distributes posters on hate, equity and respect for diversity. This campaign is educating the public and showing support for racialized communities.
Many smaller communities may not have resources that are dedicated to doing this kind of work. This guide is geared to those municipalities, and offers many approaches they can take that are “within their means.”
Anti-racism, Anti-discrimination for Municipalities represents the input and ideas of many players across Ontario and in some cases across Canada. We extend a special thank-you to our partners at the Canadian Race Relations Foundation, York University and the City of Vaughan for their support.