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Backgrounder: Anti-Black Racism in Education: Compendium of Recommendations

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October 6, 2023

In 2022, the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) announced the development of an Action Plan to tackle anti-Black racism in Ontario’s publicly funded education system. As part of that work, the OHRC committed to undertaking a comprehensive review of recommendations from community reports on the crisis of anti-Black racism in Ontario’s education system to support that Action Plan. The OHRC’s Compendium of Recommendations compiles over 190 recommendations from 83 community and grassroots reports, spanning decades and addressing the crisis of anti-Black racism in Ontario's education system. Recognizing the urgent need for change, the OHRC initiated this in-depth examination.

The recommendations from these sources highlight decades of reports, studies, and grassroots efforts confirming the existence and significant impact of anti-Black racism on students, families, and communities. The OHRC research confirms that this crisis continues.

Key Findings and Themes Identified in the Compendium:

  1. Address Disproportionate Disadvantages: Black students face disproportionately high rates of suspensions, expulsions, and lower academic achievement compared to their non-Black peers.
  2. Improve Representation: The underrepresentation of Black educators and staff in schools hinders positive role modeling and perpetuates stereotypes.
  3. Address Curriculum Gaps: The current curriculum often lacks diverse perspectives and the contributions of Black Canadians, leading to a limited understanding of Black history, culture, and achievements.
  4. Address Systemic Discrimination: Discriminatory practices, such as streaming and tracking, disproportionately impact Black students, limiting their opportunities for success.
  5. Enhance Mental Health and Well-being: Experiences of anti-Black racism take a toll on the mental health and well-being of Black students, contributing to feelings of isolation and disengagement.
  6. Mandate Anti-Black Racism Training: Mandatory anti-racism training for educators and staff to create inclusive and culturally responsive learning environments.
  7. Foster Accountability & Monitoring Mechanism: Clear mechanisms to monitor progress, ensure transparency, and hold educational institutions accountable for implementing anti-racism initiatives.
  8. Enhance Data Collection: Educational institutions must collect and analyze disaggregated data on student outcomes to identify disparities and inform targeted interventions.
  9. Increase Community Engagement: Engaging with Black communities and students to co-create anti-racism policies and initiatives is critical.

The full list of recommendations can be viewed here: Compendium of Recommendations Online.

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