Accountability framework

The Commission has presented its accountability framework in the last three annual reports. The framework establishes targets for the organization’s performance in the coming year and reports on achievements against previously established targets.

The following is a summary of achievements against targets in the 2000-2001fiscal year.




(As at March 31, 2001 unless otherwise indicated)


Promotion and
Awareness of
Human Rights


Conduct one new public awareness campaign.


A new province-wide campaign was launched on human rights and breastfeeding, in partnership with Infant Feeding Action Coalition (INFACT) Canada and Toronto Public Health. The campaign was in several major urban centres on public transit vehicles.

Implement Aboriginal Initiative.



The Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres and Grand River Employment & Training completed Phase 1 of the Aboriginal Human Rights Initiative, which is designed to create and sustain an awareness of human rights in off-reserve Aboriginal communities and to enhance equality for Aboriginal persons in Ontario.


Ensure international obligations are integrated into all new policy work.


International human rights standards integrated into new policy work on age, disability and pregnancy. Commented on Canada’s reports under various international instruments.


Launch policy initiative for CASHRA 2001


The human rights commissions of Ontario and Quebec co-launched the new policy and research group of the Canadian Association of Statutory Human Rights Agencies (CASHRA) and co-chaired the sub-committee on resolutions with respect to social and economic rights and social condition.


Enhance accessibility of publications through new series of ‘one-pager’ information sheets on all major areas of the Code


Completed and posted on the Commission’s Web site on March 22, 2001.


Achieve a satisfaction rate of 80% among participants for all public education activities.


86% satisfaction rates reported on a 5- point scale for 3 factors: quality of presenter or presentation, effectiveness of materials and usefulness of presentation.


Launch new Web site that improves access, is easier to use and more clientfocused.


New Web site launched on March 22, 2001.


Release paper on Age Discrimination.


On May 31, 2000, the Commission released its Discussion Paper entitled Discrimination and Age: Human Rights Issues Facing Older Persons in Ontario.


Conduct consultations and develop public policy document on Age Discrimination.


The Commission’s Consultation Paper setting out policy directions was publicly released in September 2000 and consultations were held across the province in the Fall and Winter of 2000-2001.


Release Policy on Discrimination and Harassment because of Gender Identity


Released June 21, 2000. Available on Web site and in print and alternative formats.


Release consultation report on human rights issues in Insurance.


Consultation Report approved by Commission in June 2000.


Revise Guidelines for Assessing Accommodation Requirements for Persons with Disabilities.


New Policy and Guidelines on Disability and the Duty to Accommodate released on March 22, 2001.


Release report on survey of accessibility to transit vehicles.


Discussion Paper on Accessible Transit Services in Ontario released on February 19, 2001.

Conduct second policy dialogue


Policy discussion on “Human Rights and Human Development” held in partnership with Community Development Network on March 21, 2001.


Other significant policy achievements:



During the fiscal year, the Commission also released the updated Policy on Drug and Alcohol Testing to reflect the recent Ontario Court of Appeal decision in Entrop v. Imperial Oil and its Policy on Female Genital Mutilation to reflect amendments to child protection legislation and the Criminal Code. Commission staff also prepared and released a research paper entitled: Human Rights Commissions and Economic and Social Rights (February 2001).


Policy staff also undertook corporate responsibility for training on new policy work and for initiating a survey of accessibility in the Commission (See Corporate Initiatives).




Average response time on calls handled by inquiry service representatives will be within 2 minutes.

Average response time was 3.4 minutes



Draft complaints within 15-20 days.


Average time to draft a complaint was 28.6 days. Efforts to improve these times have resulted in the average time being decreased to 9.4 days in the fourth quarter of the fiscal year.




Achieve at least a 65% settlement rate in cases in which mediation has been attempted.


Settlement rate of 73% in cases in which mediation was attempted. This is comparable to last year’s rate of 74%.


Resolve a minimum of 1,300 cases through mediation services.


1,246 cases were resolved through mediation services.




Resolve 80% of cases over 2 years of age as at April 1, 2000.


572 of the 620 cases were resolved, or 92% of the target.


Resolve a minimum of 850 cases through investigation services.


696 cases were resolved through investigation services, or 81% of the target.


Reduce the median age of the caseload to below 9 months.


Median age of the caseload as at March 31, 2001 was 7 months.


Decrease the average age of the caseload to 12 months.


Average age of the caseload on March 31st, 2001 was 10.4 months.



Implement Quality Service Standards.


Quality Service Standards have been developed for each Branch.


Develop training program on Public Education Techniques.


In light of the significance of the disability initiatives introduced this year, resources were reallocated to conduct a 2.5 day corporate training program on disability rights and the operational implications of the new Policy and Guidelines on Disability and the Duty to Accommodate.


Initiate Accessibility Review of Commission services and employment practices for persons with disabilities.


Internal survey of accessibility in services of Commission was conducted. List of accessible services/measures will be posted on the Web. The Commission has upgraded its TTY capacity and launched a more accessible Web site.

The following are the Commission’s public commitments for the 2001-2002 fiscal year.



Promotion and Awareness Of Human Rights


Conduct one new public awareness campaign.

Implement Phase 2 of the Aboriginal initiative.

Achieve a satisfaction rate of 80% among participants for all public education activities.



Release Consultation Report on Age Discrimination.

Develop workplace guides on disability issues in plain language in consultation with employers and employees and a separate plain language guide to inform people of their rights and responsibilities.


Initiate consultations on disability in the education sector.

Develop consultation report on transit accessibility.


Ensure international obligations are integrated into all new policy work.


Inquiry and Intake Services


Average response time on calls handled by inquiry service representatives will be within 2.5 minutes.

Draft complaints within 15-20 days.

Mediation and Investigation Services


Achieve at least a 65% settlement rate in cases in which mediation has been attempted.

Once parties have agreed to mediation, the mediation will be completed within 3 to 6 months.

The average time required to resolve a complaint, from filing to closing, will be reduced from 15.4 months to under 14 months.


Corporate Initiatives

Begin implementation of corporate Strategic Plan 2001-2003.